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Keynote Paul Iske: Failure as a Human right

In his talk, Paul Iske will introduce a framework for value creation by accepting and learning from (Brilliant) Failures. As all researchers and innovators know, failing is not only inevitable, but also an essential learning process. But are we allowed to fail? And what is the impact of culture on how we deal with failure?

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Where everyone agrees that we should learn from our failures, no one tells how to do this. The Institute of Brilliant Failures has developed a method and some tools to extract the lessons learned and to make it possible to use them at another moment, at another place.

The main messages:

  1. Implementation often fails in the ‘Last Mile’ because of ‘Organised Stupidity’
  2. We have the (human) right to try, to experience, to fail and to learn
  3. It is possible to develop ‘Failure Intelligence’ and learn before, while and after our activities


Paul Iske is professor at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Netherlands, focusing on Open Innovation and Business Venturing and professor at the Department of Information Science, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, working on Knowledge-driven Innovation. Paul is founder and CFO (Chief Failure Officer) of the ‘Institute of Brilliant Failures’ (, with the mission to highlight the importance of experimentation to achieve paradigm shifts and breakthrough innovation. He is an international author, consultant and speaker on innovation, entrepreneurship, knowledge management and creativity. He spent 18 years as Chief Dialogues Officer, Head of Innovation and Knowledge Management at ABN AMRO Bank. Before that, he finished his PhD in Theoretical Physics and fulfilled a number of jobs in Strategy and R&D at Shell.

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