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Beste ziekenhuis van Nederland (deel 3)

Volgens huisartsen, medisch specialisten, verpleegkundigen en ziekenhuisbestuurders is het Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis (OLVG) in Amsterdam het beste ziekenhuis van Nederland.
Beste ziekenhuis van Nederland (deel 3)

Volgens de peers – huisartsen, medisch specialisten, verpleegkundigen en ziekenhuisbestuurders – is het Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis (OLVG) in Amsterdam het beste ziekenhuis van Nederland. Dat blijkt uit de jaarlijkse enquête van Elsevier en onderzoeker-adviseur Peter Lagendijk naar ‘De beste ziekenhuizen’. Ook in 2005 stond het OLVG bovenaan.

Medisch en verpleegkundig is het OLVG de absolute winnaar, meldt Elsevier. Het scoort onder meer hoog bij de specialismen chirurgie, cardiologie en orthopedie. Dat zeggen huisartsen, specialisten, verpleegkundigen en ziekenhuisbestuurders die voor deze enquête zijn ondervraagd.

1. OLVG Amsterdam

2. St. Antonius Ziekenhuis Nieuwegein

3. Elkerliek Ziekenhuis Helmond.

Opvallendste nieuwkomers in de top-10:

het Waterlandziekenhuis in Purmerend

het Ikazia Ziekenhuis in Rotterdam.

De slechtste instellingen zijn

Het Refaja Ziekenhuis in Stadskanaal

Ruwaard van Putten in Spijkenisse

IJsselmeerziekenhuizen in Lelystad.


Het beste universitaire medische centrum is het AMC in Amsterdam, met een uitmuntend complex van operatiekamers en intensive cares. Het AMC blinkt ook uit in chirurgie en in maag-, darm-, en leverziekten. In 2005 was het eveneens het best scorende universitaire medische centrum.

Door: Ruud Koolen


  1. Unfortunately I cannot agree, in 2014 I had a serious accident, for which the physio was to blame, my left shoulder was partially broken, was not properly aligned, the OLVG, left me lying in a room with several people, when I was in pain day and night, nothing helped, people snoring next to me, it was hell, crying from pain and despair, I couldn’t turn over in bed, my long hair was in more than 100 knots I wasn’t even combed or washed, the nurses didn’t look at me properly, hell, after 4 or 5 days in the hospital without surgery, they sent me home, when I lived alone, without family in the country, without help, the most serious thing was that I needed an urgent operation, then my child came over from abroad and started calling all the hospitals in the country, none wanted to take me because I was released from the OLVG, we had to get a car rent and go across the border to get the operation, with all the consequences that entails, I had to pay for everything myself, but on the same day I was operated on and the doctors were in total shock, why haven’t you been operated on yet, that was the question, the hospital management did not want to do that and said that it would heal itself, if you do not have surgery quickly you will never be able to raise your arm again and you will not be able to do anything with it, I had a very bad experience in this hospital , very bad in all respects, terribly stiff nursing, something to note is that if one has an accent where they cannot place it, they do not handle it properly, they are not counted, I had to have my beautiful long hair cut short, the knots could no longer be removed, I had several fractures in the upper shoulder, a piece of bone was missing, I had 12 screws inserted with a very large metal blade from the elbow to the top. You waited far too long, she said. me abroad, I had to go straight to the operating room, operated immediately.

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